Four Days Not for the faint hearted! First you make the tools, then you make the furniture! You start by making a matched pair of fenced rule joint planes that you can use to make dropleaf tables. This is an intense workshop! We will be making 2 planes in 3 days and tuning them on the …
Two days. This is the famous Howarth 15” turning bowsaw that Bill wrote about in Popular Woodworking, Nov 11, 2011. We'll provide the hardware and the handles as you lay out the frame and stretcher, cut mortises, shape the parts using a drawknife, spokeshave, rasp, and bowsaw (!). This is a wonderful woodworking tool as …
Three Days Make your own darn bench plane! - A new coffin smoother, open tote jack plane, or closed tote jointer will be yours after three hard-working days. Made of quartersawn American beech, these planes use traditional tapered irons - typical of the eighteenth century. Although each of these planes serves a different function in …